Monday, September 30, 2019

Monologue for an Onion Analysis Essay

â€Å"Monologue for an Onion† is an ingenious method for layering meaning through metaphor. The poem uses the simple task of peeling an onion as a metaphor for complicated and malicious relationships between people. The onion as a metaphor does not seem extraordinary in itself; but, upon reading one will discover that the author discusses â€Å"layers† and peeling them away to receive the truth. This is true; however, there is a larger irony at play here. Suji Kwock Kim, the author gives a sense that the onion is begging someone to stop peeling, cutting, chopping and relentlessly searching, while the other person feels compelled to do the contrary. The author uses the metaphorical concept of an onion to personify her own layers of humanity. The onion begins by stating, â€Å"I don’t mean to make you cry,† (1) as the person is peeling the layers apart. The onion states, â€Å"Poor deluded human: you seek my heart† (6), the individual is peeling away at its layers to understand what is at the core. However, the author blatantly states that â€Å"I am pure onion-pure onion/ Outside and in. † (8-9) Regardless, of the peeling which takes place on the outside it is senseless, because the inside remains unchanged. This implicit comparison shows cleverness and originality by expressing no change in a person’s interior versus their exterior. The narrator metaphorically shows compassion for the individual as she does not have the heart he is seeking, and the culprit is accused of pursuing false hopes. As layers peel away, the tone of the poem goes from displaying compassion to contempt. The condescension is apparent when the onion states, â€Å"Look at you, chopping and weeping. Idiot. † (10) The onion resorts to mocking and illuminating the person’s personal flaws and ignorance. It condemns the person’s entire approach, accusing him of searching for a truth founded on deception and idealism. Moreover, the onion pleads, â€Å"You must not grieve that the world is glimpsed through veils. How else can it be seen? How will you rip away the veil of the eye, the veil? †. (16-18) This implies that the onion has several layers, and as the â€Å"peeler† peels them away, the truth (that there is not a heart) becomes more evident. When the truth comes to light, it will not be untainted, as they will observe it through a veil of tears from dismantling the onion. In essence, there is a feeling of battle between the narrator and the â€Å"peeler. † The onion is not completely defenseless; however, the onion’s fight is not in the physical sense as is the â€Å"peeler’s. † There is the bluntness of truth that the onion uses as it’s resistance. A battle for the truth emerges between good and evil. Evil, being the peeler’s unyielding attack on the onion disregarding the onion’s plea there is nothing to find; yet they are determine to find what they believe to be true. In contrast, the onion being brutally torn apart was steadfast in its unwavering stance against the attacker is perceived as heroic. Comparatively, the narrative best relates to an unhealthy relationship. The metaphor of one cutting an onion to someone in a relationship that one knows is not healthy, but the individual pursues it anyway. The onion expresses, â€Å"I don’t mean to make you cry. I mean nothing, but this has not kept you from peeling away my body, layer by layer. † (1-3) Prior to someone cutting into an onion he is aware of the repercussions. Undoubtedly it will make your eyes water or burn badly; yet they continue to do so. That also can be applied to a toxic relationship. One is aware of their mate’s ability to break her heart; however, they continue in the relationship to the end mindful, of the inevitable. In conclusion, Suji Kwock Kim’s piece shows how man is constantly longing to seek truth, to view the world without the â€Å"veil† that covers it. People are constantly peeling away, in search of finding the secrets within. Ultimately, people lose sight of what may be evident right in front of them. Man becomes so driven to find this â€Å"truth† that he becomes â€Å"lost in its maze of chambers, blood, and love. † (29) Those who have harmed others in their quest to discover a deeper truth will expire as a result of the guilt that has been built up in their hearts. The search for the truth is an endless game that will only end in the demise of mankind.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

History of Special Education Law Essay

History of Special Education Law History of Special Education Law From the beginning of time until the end of time, there will always be students who require special education services. Throughout the 20th century, there have been many laws written to try and protect and help students with disabilities. Two in particular are the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975, and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA 1990). Special education classes were available in the 1950’s, but the outcome for the students was not what parents expected. The students in these classes could not preform  academically, and were considered unteachable. They eventually were sent to special schools that focused on teaching them manual skills. The programs may have been available, but clearly it was discrimination towards those students with disabilities. This is why the laws written for the handicapped are so important, especially in the school system. The chart above compares two articles covering individuals with disabilities; one is an overview of disabilities, covering the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, also known as Public Law 94-142, and the other is  an overview of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Amendments of 1997. In the article on an overview of disabilities, it says the handicapped children must meet two criteria; they must have one or more disability and require special education and related services (ERIC Clearinghouse on Handicapped and Gifted Children, R. A. , 1987). In this article, it also gives specific definitions of the disabilities that children have to have to be considered for assistance under Public Law 94-142. The acceptable disabilities listed range from deaf to blind to  mental retardation, orthopedically impaired, and those that are speech impaired or have a learning disability, among many other disabilities. When a child is thought to have a handicap, there is a multidisciplinary team that will evaluate the child. The team consists of at least one teacher or specialist that has knowledge of the student with the disability. When the team meets, ? ORGANIZED INTO FOUR PARTS ?STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES HAVE TO PARTICIPATE IN STATE AND DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS ?INCLUDES DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES ?REQUIRES PARENTAL CONSENT FOR EVALUATIONS  ?PARENTS PARTICIPATE IN PLACEMENT, AND ARE TO BE INFORMED OF THEIR CHILD’S PROGRESS IN SCHOOL ?STUDENT MUST HAVE A DISABILITY AND REQUIRE SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES UNDER THE EAHC ACT ? MULTIDISCIPLINARY TEAM DETERMINES IF STUDENT REQUIRES SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES BECAUSE NOT ALL CHILDREN THAT HAVE DISABILITIES REQUIRE SPECIAL EDUCATION ?DEFINES THE DISABILITIES ACCEPTED ?MUST PROVIDE FREE PUBLIC EDUCATION REGARDLESS OF TYPE OF DISABILITY ?STUDENTS HAVE ACCESS TO GENERAL EDUCATION CLASSES WITH ACCOMMODAT IONS DISABILITIES: AN OVERVIEW AN OVERVIEW OF THE IDEA OF 1997 3 . History of Special Education Law  they will determine if the child will require special education services or not. All schools and agencies that provide services for children with disabilities must comply with P. L. 94-142 in order to receive federal assistance. The Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 is based on complaints and needs to be enforced by parents or other advocates of disabled children; Noncompliance of P. L. 94-142 will result in funds being stopped for the agency or school involved (Ballard & Zettel, 1978). This seems to be a good incentive for agencies to make sure they are compliant with all the laws governing children with disabilities. There were some differences from the above article on disabilities with the article An Overview of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Amendments of 1997. IDEA is organized into four parts to cover all of the provisions for students with disabilities. Also, under IDEA, students have to participate in state assessments, even if it is an alternate assessment from those in regular education. â€Å"IDEA 97 requires states to include students with disabilities in state and district-wide testing programs, with accommodations when necessary,† (Knoblauch & ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education, R.A. , 1998. p. 3). Under IDEA, all students will have an individualized education plan (IEP) that has to be followed to ensure children with disabilities are getting the most out of their education, and needs to include a statement of transition starting at age 14. Another difference is that IDEA 97 includes disciplinary procedures for students with disabilities. It says that students will not be denied an education because of their behavior. It outlines the different strategies for dealing with behavior issues, for example schools are allowed to place a student in an alternate setting if their  behavior is such that they cannot remain in their current setting without disruption. Under IDEA, students have an IEP team that meets to write the IEP for the students, and in a case of behavior issues, the IEP team determines the action that needs to be taken with the student. Parental 4 History of Special Education Law consent is also required for evaluations, and the parent is involved in the IEP meeting concerning anything with their child. Under IDEA, parents are to be keep inform of any school placement, and also the progress of their children. For noncompliance to the IDEA 97 Act, the government  can withhold funding until they are in compliance with all aspects outlined in the IDEA act (Heumann & Hehir, 1997). While there are several differences between both of these articles, there are some similarities also. Under both acts listed, all students regardless of disabilities must be provided with a free public education, and they also must have access to general education classrooms as well, and accommodations have to be met. While it seems that these two articles cover two different laws that were passed, the reality is that they are one in the same. The Education for All  Handicapped Children Act was revised and renamed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). While the Public Law 94-142 provided that all children with disabilities will receive a free public education, IDEA allows has provisions for transitioning students into high school. As mentioned before, both of these acts provide federal funding for programs for students with disabilities as long as the agencies that are receiving the funds are in compliance with the guidelines. â€Å"â€Å"In order to receive federal funds, states must develop and implement policies that  assure a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to all children with disabilities. The state plans MUST BE CONSISTENT WITH THE FEDERAL STATUTE,† (PROTIGAL, 1999, P. 1). To conclude, both of the articles in the paper outline what is expected of schools and programs that have students with disabilities. Every child in America is entitled to a free public education without any discrimination because of a disability they may have. Each child has the ability to learn, even if it is at a different rate or pace from their peers. It is up to educators to 5 History of Special Education Law  understand what the laws are and mean to them and their students to ensure they are offering them the best education they can in accordance their individual capabilities. 6 History of Special Education Law References Ballard, J. , & Zettel, J. J. (1978). The Managerial Aspects of Public Law 94-142. Exceptional Children, 44(6), 457-462. Retrieved from http://eds. a. ebscohost. com. library. gcu. edu:2048/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer? sid=41ba31e7-5ca7-4b9f-af8b-6397f85b5446%40sessionmgr4003&vid=7&hid=4108 ERIC Clearinghouse on Handicapped and Gifted Children, R. A. (1987). Disabilities: An Overview. ERIC Digest #420. Revised. Retrieved from http://eds. a. ebscohost. com. library. gcu. edu:2048/ehost/detail? sid=649ed845-5bb9-4722- baf1- bf2e12c42623%40sessionmgr4005&vid=1&hid=4103&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl 2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=eric&AN=ED291203 Heumann, J. , & Hehir, T. (1997, September). â€Å"believing in children –. Retrieved from http://www2. ed. gov/offices/OSERS/Policy/IDEA/article2. html Knoblauch, B. , & ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education, R. A. (1998). An Overview of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997 (P. L. 105-17). ERIC DIGEST. RETRIEVED FROM http://eds. a. ebscohost. com. library. gcu. edu:2048/ehost/detail? sid=d91c90f3-6f83-4434- b3b2- bb80ae7660a0%40sessionmgr4002&vid=1&hid=4103&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl 2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=eric&AN=ED430325 Protigal, S. (1999). Public law 94-142 – education of all handicapped children act. Retrieved from http://www. scn. org/~bk269/94-142. html 7 History of Special Education Law 8 View as multi-pages TOPICS IN THIS DOCUMENT Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Special education, Individualized Education Program, Gifted education, Education, Disability, Educational psychology, Education policy RELATED DOCUMENTS special education †¦ can cause hip dislocation and deformed bone growth. No treatment may be currently available to lessen David’s impairment. Disability: David’s inability to walk is a disability. His level of disability can be improved with physical therapy and special equipment. For example, if he learns to use a walker, with braces, his level of disability will improve considerably. Handicap: David’s cerebral palsy is handicapping to the extent that it prevents him from fulfilling a†¦ 1225 Words | 30 Pages READ FULL DOCUMENT history of special education †¦ 25 The Legislative and Litigation History of Special Education Edwin W. 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Saturday, September 28, 2019

Sam 488 unit 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sam 488 unit 3 - Assignment Example By empowering and boosting morale, the manager can effectively be a good leader in embedding change across enterprise. The CSO transfer new knowledge by mutual learning and PDU points. Conducive research indicates that mutual learning is exclusive and symbiotic because it harnesses excellent learning. When change occurs, many employees are often confused because they lack the proper education. New training should be a mutual symbiotic relationship and not assigning courses to employees. CSO can achieve optimal growth by promoting overall growth and net scores. Net scores generally for employees are a great way to ensure that employees are satisfied with the overall quality of the work. Net promoter scores also measure the impotence of the organization from a holistic view which gives management a pure understanding of how the company is performing. Another interesting model proposed by research indicates that Information, Motivation and Behavior change model is deemed applicable even though so much used in promoting good health seeking behaviour by other life styles. Holistically speaking, this theory builds on a foundation of an effective communication, which takes into account of keeping in mind the need to work by investing in in the employee itself. A performance management systems leads to a better job improvement because employees are invested in the program itself and are willing to work hard. Most employees feel that they are happy with the goals of the organization as tuition is covered, work from home is a flexibility, and goal is inevitable. However, many employees also felt that growth is limited over short-term is not feasible. Additionally, larger organizations are known to segment its work in smaller departments, which can ruin personal development. Overall, the consensus was clear that larger organizations have a difficult time keeping the employees happy according

Friday, September 27, 2019

Business (Decision Making) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business (Decision Making) - Essay Example This implies that the sum of all the cells will be equal to the sum of subjects. Another assumption is that chi square is applied to a large sample of data. Usage of small sample is expected to mislead the user to come up with wrong results. Every observation of chi square is expected to have the same distribution. The assumption regarding cell sizes is that in a 2 by 2 table there should be five or more cells. The observations must be properly grouped. The different categories should be based on the nature of the distribution. The hypotheses between the relationships of two values are studied by using chi square. Since the distribution is already planned by the hypothesis, the distributions that are to be made in the cell can be expressed even without doing any calculation. Chi square test is actually used to compare different data which are considered useful for various purposes. The comparison is made between the data that are already available with the one that will be gathered on the basis of the hypothesis. Chi square tests whether a collected sample of data belong to a population with specific distribution. Degrees of freedom or 'df' is one of the most important parameters of Chi square distribution. Chi square distribution tends to approach a normal distribution with an increase in the degrees of freedom. "As the df increase, the chi square distribution approaches a normal distribution." (Hyperstat online contents). There are three possible tests in chi square. They are test for independence, goodness of fit and test for homogeneity. In the first case, that is the test for independence, it is examined whether the value of a particular variable can be assessed with the help of any other variable. Under goodness of fit analysis the efficiency of a statistical expression to fit to a given situation or observation is examined. In the third case, that is the test for homogeneity, it is examined as to whether there are similar observations for common population in a given data. Though the formula in both the cases is the same, the values are differently interpreted for arriving at a conclusion in a given scenario. F-ratio is another statistical tool used in the interpretation of data. F-ratio is mainly used to test variances. This tests whether the variances are equal for the given independent variables. "The F-ratio is used to determine whether the variances in two independent samples are equal." (Applied statistics handbook, 2007). Therefore, f-ratio calculates the existence of any difference between the variables. It does not analyze the difference to know the reasons. That is in order to know the reason for the existence of difference certain other methods are to be applied. In the given situation the company W sells its new software products through the sales force they assigned for different regions. Usually the demand for different regions varies due to different factors. But without considering this variation the sales persons are expected to achieve same sales target. In the present situation the sales that have been achieved by the sales persons must be compared with those of the exp ected sales figures. Thus, the company will be able to make a clear forecast of the sales that it can possibly achieve and the sales persons can be given that as their target. When the employees are aware of the expected

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Consuming Art, comsuming Society_ Keith Haring works and his Research Paper

Consuming Art, comsuming Society_ Keith Haring works and his inspiration - Research Paper Example Keith must have inherited his amazing style and artwork talent from his father who was a cartoonist. The paper will focus more on Keith Haring artwork and its inspirations on the art world. Discussion From his childhood years, Keith was interested in artwork and he grew up making drawings with his dad in Kutztown in Pennsylvania, and was increasingly motivated by popular Disney and Schultz cartoon work. Between 1979 and 78, he went to commercial collage of art in Ivy Professional Art college and gained interest in international artwork and later focused or Fine Art study1. Keith’s art was later witnessed in all public murals, nightclubs, museums and galleries all over the globe and he was famous for his activism in promoting awareness of AIDS. In New York, a home of thriving underground art scene, Keith befriended his fellow artists such as Jean-Mechel and Scarf, both of whom shared his colorful and transgressive graffiti art interest of the streets of the city2. Together with his colleagues organized exhibitions at different locations such as downtown nightclubs where music, art, and fashion combined in an effective mix. Outside the clubs, Keith started utilizing the town as his canvas, and riding the subway he discovered a black rectangular paper of blank advertising panels on wall stations and with a white chalk he started filling the panels with quick, simple picture drawings3. His signature images comprised of dancing images, a crawling baby generating light rays –radiant boy- a dog barking, flying saucer, television heads figures and bigger hearts, these graffiti images drew New York commuters and city authorities attention leading to Keith accusation of vandalism4. He responded to this accusation by highlighting that high art is an increasingly expensive production such that common people, therefore, to neutralize this Pop Shop store allowed ordinary people to afford art items at affordable prices. The shop has since then prospered and expa nded its practices online. Keith later started to apply his globally known imagery to self-supporting paintings and drawings. His art optimism and energy, with its strong lines and shining colors made him popular with great number of audience and in 1981, he started his solo exhibition in Manhattan. In 1983, he began displaying his artwork in galleries such as Tony Shafrazi that would display him in his lifelong career. All through from 1980s, Keith’s work was displayed broadly both internationally and in the US. In addition, in the quest to promote accessibility of his work, he started Pop Shop retail shop in the city of the New York and its neighborhood Soho in 1986 where he exhibited posters, Tshirt other cheap items featuring his signature designs5. Since then, various commercial industries have been established round Keith’s visual aesthetic all over the world with some of the items such as T-shirts, sneakers, cards and jewelry made from Keith artwork, and graffit i school designs. Keith has capitalized on his own image in a manner that painters could not imagine before the mass media age6. As he discovered and developed his style, Keith’s artwork visually fought against increased forms of racism, capitalism, religious, injustice and violence consumption, with focus on the nuclear war threats, environmental destruction, AIDs pandemic

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Audience Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Audience Analysis - Essay Example If a neighbor has the gun, then his or her neighbors will also clamor to have guns; in effect, resulting in an arms race. Because of the recent random mass shootings in which innocent people got killed, citizens now question the wisdom of having the Second Amendment, and the urgent need for gun controls. People who oppose guns come from a wide variety of sectors. The demographic factors are a mixture of concerned parents, peace advocates, worried citizens, and many other groups. In particular, the factors are by gender, age, race, educational attainment, income level, the martial status, party affiliation, religious preference, and the region or geography (Pew Research Center, 2011, para. 4). The politics of gun control and gun rights is complicated; public opinion on this matter has shifted markedly over the years. The audience profile should be analyzed so a speech can be suited to that particular demographic factor; for example, an audience composed mainly of well-educated people will most likely respond to logos, which is an appeal based on logic or reason while an audience composed of females may respond to pathos, an appeal to emotions. It is the duty of a speaker to research his audience in advance, so the speech can be a success. Pew Research Center (2011, January 13). Views of gun control – A detailed demographic breakdown. Pew Research Organization. Retrieved May 24, 2013, from

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

G.Handel Oratorios Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

G.Handel Oratorios - Term Paper Example Hereditary is portrayed by Belshazzar as a failure in today’s world. Democracy should be embraced and people should elect leaders of their choice. People should not ascend in to power because they are fond in the royal family line. Belshazzar was king on the night Babylonian kingdom fell. The Persians came and conquered, and He was killed on the same night. The character had sat on the throne for two years. Poor leadership among governments leads to blood shed. People want to ascend to power using the wrong formula. This is made to protect their interest, without considering the needs of the people. Therefore, such governments fail in economic growth, rule of law, social justice, and democracy among many others Nitocris as a queen has been identified as a dominant ruler as female character. . It is suggested that this should be Belshazzar’s mother. The power of a woman in royal kingdoms is shown through this character. She sang a song which had a crushing effect on Belshazzar (Lang 435). However, their evils actions become a thorn in their own flesh. The king ordered that no one should be allowed to enter the place. With that order to the door keepers, the king himself became ill and left the place. By his own order he was killed by Cyrus and

Monday, September 23, 2019

The entrepreneurship affect on the economy Essay

The entrepreneurship affect on the economy - Essay Example This paper discusses the effect of entrepreneurship on economic development. Background of Entrepreneurship An entrepreneur was described by Jean-Baptiste Say, a 19th century French economist, as an individual who moves economic resources from low productivity and yield areas to areas with increased yield and productivity (Bridge et al, 2009). Joseph Schumpeter expounded on this concept a century later by identifying the force needed to drive progress of the economy in entrepreneurs. In the absence of this force inherent in entrepreneurs, economies would become subject to decay, structurally immobilized, and static. The entrepreneurial spirit identifies an opportunity, be it a business, service, or product, and organizes a venture for its implementation. Schumpeter argued that successful entrepreneurship sets off a chain of events that encourages other entrepreneurs to work on innovation and propagate it to â€Å"creative destruction†, which involves rendering of existing busi ness models, services and products obsolete in favor of the innovation (World bank, 2011). Schumpeter cast the entrepreneur as both a generative and disruptive force (Steyaert & Hjorth, 2009). He cast the entrepreneur as an agent of economic change. ... However, theorists agree that entrepreneurship is tied to opportunity. Entrepreneurship plays a vital responsibility in the economic development of a country since the entrepreneur is the prime mover of innovation (Zhang, 2009). The Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development Entrepreneurship plays various roles in the development of a country’s economy. First, it allows for the effective use of resources (Audretsch et al, 2012). Entrepreneurship involves making use of resources considered to be, of low value, to earn an income. Entrepreneurs conceive ideas of how to utilize what others consider waste. This creates jobs and increases taxes, which, in turn, improves the beneficiaries’ standard of living. Since the measure of economic growth is an increase in income that is sustained over time, entrepreneurs increase the per capita income via identification and establishment of profitable ventures. Entrepreneurship also leads to development of infrastructural facilit ies such as factories, buildings, bridges, roads, and communication networks (Audretsch, 2010). These are the vital components of economic growth. When Steve Jobs and Wozniak came up with the PC, they created a completely new variant of computer infrastructure. They shattered the computer user’s mainframe dependence and shifted control to the desktop. Once the users saw the new technology, they embraced Apple, as well as the other competitors who also joined in. In a relatively short time, Steve Jobs had created a completely new ecosystem with numerous software, hardware and peripheral suppliers. Because of the new ecosystem, Apple might have exited the market after a couple of years without causing any destabilization. The new equilibrium was not dependent on the formation of one

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Is a Shared Services Model of Human Resources an Effective Way to Essay

Is a Shared Services Model of Human Resources an Effective Way to Deliver HR Services - Essay Example For many organizations, it takes much time and efforts to overcome resistance to change and than, start to implement "a shared services model". Another "con" of the approach is that some organizations do not need centralization of their activities. Very often employees are neglected during the development of "a shared services model", so they feel lack of motivation and lack of training which resulted in failure. "A shared services model" is not only a cost reduction method, but a new system of administration. In changing economic environment, "a shared services model" becomes one of the most widely spread business strategies. The main problem faced by the companies today is that, in some cases, implementation of '"a shared services model" fails. And instead of benefits and cost saving companies have to make additional spending to restore their strong position. The concept of shared services is not new. It was introduced by Ulrich in 1995, but recent years, this concept becomes "a buzz word" (Shared Services, 2005). The main mistake made by some companies is that "a shared services model" is treated as universal "panacea" for managing people and organisations as it is intimately involved with the environment in general. The issue of a "shared services model" is controversial, because it is impossible to develop a single problem solving approach for all types of organisations and management styles. In some cases, "a shared services model" shows a great potential for organisations to save costs and implement quality services. Unfortunately, there are many organisations unable to implement changes connected with and caused by a "shared services model" as well as unable to foresee limitations of this model for their performance. The preliminary research finds out that "a shared services model" has disadvantages and a negative impact on the successful implementation of quality services as organizational structure is often neglected in the operational change. So, the aim of the paper is to examine and analyze disadvantages of "a shared services model" and to determine the main factors of poor implementation of "a shared services model" which caused it to fail. It is important to note that this is not a completely new concept, because it embodies the principles of commercial partnerships. "Organizations in other industry sectors have been using shared service centers for a decade or more to achieve economies of scale and drive greater process consistency, especially in geographically or organizationally dispersed business units" (Harris, 2004). Literature Review In 1995, David Ulrich in his article "Shared services: from vogue to value" (published in Human Resource Planning) described the concept of a "shared services model". Nevertheless, a slogan "the user is the chooser" created by David Ulrich became the core of this model. In 1997, David Ulrich published a book "Human Resource Champion" giving theoretical background of the concept and practical advice for those who want to implement a "shared service model". The limitation of his study is that he does not pay much attention to possible limitations of this model. Another guru of "a shared service model", P. Reilly (2000), gives detailed overview of the concept in his work "HR shared services and the realignment of HR".

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Vanity Is a Virtue Essay Example for Free

Vanity Is a Virtue Essay Okay, I’ll admit that I like what I see when I look in the mirror. And even though I’m quite nervous talking in front of you, capturing the attention of a number of students, with all your eyes and ears on me, feels very fulfilling. Say it. It’s vanity. And yes, I am vain. So, as vain as I am, I’m going to stand before you today and prove that vanity is not a dreadful thing. Vanity is a moral excellence. Foremost, let us scrutinize Mr. Webster’s definition of vanity – an excessive pride in one’s appearance, qualities, abilities, achievements, etc.; the character or quality of being vain. Vanity is far beyond that definition. Vanity, after all is not a sin, it’s not a bad thing. Some said that it is associated with pride and that being vain is being futile and worthless. But, I’ll firmly say this to you – vanity is more than that, vanity is just the better side of self-love, self-confirmation. Vanity is needed just like self-esteem. Without vanity we would never feel good about ourselves. Seeking self satisfaction is after all the key in what living our lives to our fullest expectations are based. Just as self esteem boosts ones thoughts and beliefs, vanity boosts our image and satisfaction of ourselves. We are after all by ourselves in this world. Vanity is providing self-affirmation of what we think we are, making us love ourselves more. It is self-confirmation, it is knowing the difference between what others tell you and what you may or may not be in life, it is gaining more respect for ourselves. Although the word vain has taken on lots of negative connotations, theres nothing fundamentally wrong with it. All of us are vain – in our own ways. I am vain because I believe in my capabilities and in my spirit that I will be a CPA Lawyer. I am vain because I am proud that I was fashioned in God’s image and likeness. I am vain because I want you to believe me, to convince you that vanity is a virtue. Vanity like anything in excess is bad as it overtakes and consumes. Vanity should be tempered with realism and sustainability. As long as we stay in control of our vanity and use it to push us to succeed then thats a great thing. Let me make something clear though: Im not saying you should be rude, or walk around with an attitude or anything. Theres a big difference between being vain and being arrogant. Another great thing about vanity is that it indirectly makes us take care of our health. Setting our sights on having a perfect physique is a good example. Being optimistic that we could achieve a good health status is another. And on the emotional and social aspect, if we feel good about ourselves and we have that sense of self-acceptance, then loving and accepting others will follow. After all, being vain and focusing on health as a motivator is a good thing. And vanity is far better than self- deprecation. So, with all that I have mentioned, if your friends start teasing and criticizing you whenever you start holding and posing on the camera, be proud. Whenever you face the mirror and see if you’re looking good, it’s just fine. And whenever vanity strikes, just remember me and all that I have said today. Just keep in mind that, â€Å"Virtue would not go to such lengths if vanity did not keep her company. †

Friday, September 20, 2019

Comparison on Computation Cost of the Cloud

Comparison on Computation Cost of the Cloud In this chapter, we list the comparison on computation cost of the cloud for file upload between †¦ and our scheme. Computational Cost Data access issues in the field of the cloud computing provide a good measurement-based performance as mentioned along this research, and hence, the security features can be improved using the new proposed model as well as a suitable computational cost. However, the proposed protocol provides these advantages and evaluates the performance based on computational cost and security requirements. The performance of our proposed scheme is evaluated using the existing experimental in [33] [34] [35] for a variety of cryptographic operations using MIRACLE [36] in PIV 3 GHZ processor with Windows XP operating system and 512 MB memory. From [33] [34] [35] the relative running time for the operations we adopted in our proposed scheme and we define some terms for the running time calculations: Tp= Pairing operation= 20.01 ms Th= Hash function= 3.04 ms Tpm= Pairing-based scalar multiplication= 6.38 ms Tec= ECC-based scalar multiplication= 0.83 ms Other operations: omitted The following tables illustrates the performance efficiency based on running time which is focus on user side including data owner: Table 1: Computational Cost-based Performance Efficiency Phases↓ Operations Running time (ms) Key Generation Tec+2Th 6.91 Upload Tp+Th 23.05 Download (Transformation Key) Tpm 6.38 Total Tp+ Tpm+Tec+3Th 36.34 The following table shows comparison between [37] [38] and our scheme in the major process which is file upload/download, with file in any size (not affected) and for one user: Table 2: Comparison of Computational Cost-based Performance Efficiency References→ Ref [37] Ref [38] Our scheme Upload 872.09 33.24 23.05 Download 400.21 39.25 6.38 Total 1272.30 72.49 29.43 From the above tables we clearly can observe that our proposed model is more efficient and has low running time indeed. The following figure can simplify this comparison: Figure 1: Comparison of performance efficiency-based running time Security requirement In the security aspects of our proposed model, we can notice that this model can achieve AC, FR, DC, IG, security requirements. Furthermore, this model not only provide a cost-based efficient scheme, but also provide a high secure and robust model against attacks such as Anti-collusion, Replay, MITM, and DoS attacks as follows: Anti-collusion attack  Ã‚   Some unauthorized users or members whose attributes do not satisfy the access policy, they may also try to access the data by colluding together with other users or even the service provider to compromise some data owners privacy. Our scheme is considered it to be secure against this attack due when a user is revoked, the group manager updates the revocation list (RL) stored in the cloud with a new. In addition, the group manager adds a time stamp to the data files and signs, to make sure that the cloud updates the data files.   New DF = sign ts (à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ… ¸Ãƒ °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‹Å" =(à ¢Ã… ¸Ã‚ ¨Ãƒ °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‚ ¢,à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ†â€™(à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‚ ¢)à ¢Ã… ¸Ã‚ © ∀à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ‚ ¢-∈à °Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ¢â‚¬ ¦Ãƒ °Ã‚ Ã‚ Ã‚ ¿), group id, CT ) Replay attack Replay attacks are network attacks in which the attacker spies the conversation between the sender and receiver and takes the authenticated information e.g. sharing key and then contact to the receiver with that key. Moreover, our scheme is considered it to be secure against this attack due to temporary session by using timestamp for encrypted data. Man-in-the-Middle Attack (MITM) Man-in-the-middle attack has become quite popular in the SaaS environment. Here the attacker intercepts the communication channel established between legitimate users and modifies the communication between client and server without their knowledge. Moreover, our scheme is considered it to be secure against this attack due to encrypted identities and the hash function used in the term of key generation: Denial of Service Attack (DOS): Most of the serious attacks in cloud computing.   In   Denial   of   service   attack   an   attacker   prevent   legitimate   users   of   service   from   using   the desired resources by flood a network or by consuming bandwidth .So authentication is need to distinguish legitimated   clients   from   malicious   clients,   which   can   be   performed   through   strong   cryptographic verification. Moreover, our scheme is considered it to be secure against this attack due to the client creates a unique HMAC, or hash, per request to the cloud by combing the request data and hashing that data, along with his id and sending it as part of a request. The cloud receives the request and regenerates its own unique HMAC. The cloud compares the two HMACs, and, if theyre equal, the client is trusted and the request is executed. Request | | tk+ H(id)   For convince, we define the following terms: AC: Access control FR: Flexible revocation DC: Data confidentiality IG: Integrity Sym: Symmetric Algorithm CT: Computational cost TS: Timestamp ODBE: RBE: Role based encryption LGS: leveraging group signature DBE: dynamic broadcast encryption Table 3 Security requirement comparison References→ Ref [ 38] Ref [39] Ref [40] Our scheme Techniques Sym DBE RBE ABE Features AC, DC AC, DC AC AC, FR, DC, IG Comments High CT, No TS High CT, No TS High CT, No TS Low CT,TS Anti-collusion attack √ Replay attack √ MITM attack √ DoS attack √ √  Ã‚   means the scheme can achieve the corresponding goal. In general and from the above comparisons, our scheme can achieve data confidentiality, secure  Ã‚   access control, integrity and  Ã‚   flexible revocation.   For clearly seeing the advantages of security of our proposed scheme, as explain in table 3, we list a table compared with ref [38], ref [39] and ref [40].

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Passing Essay -- Literary Analysis, Nella Larsen

Nella Larsen's Passing tells the story of the reconnection of two childhood friends whose lives take divergent paths. Through these characters Larsen weaves together a cautionary tale about the consequences of living a double life, and the harm associated with internalized racism. Through Clair and Irene, Larsen conveys to readers the consequences of desiring to live life as a bicultural individual during the early 20th century. Claire represents the archetypical character known as the tragic mulatto, as she brings tragedy to all those she encounters. Irene represents someone grappling with internalized racism; catalyzed by Claire's reentrance into her life. Larsen juxtaposes the two characters to demonstrate the inescapability of social regulations. Clare attempts to escape the social barriers placed upon African-Americans, and she does, but not without consequence. Through diction, tone, and imagery Larsen makes it luminous to readers that "passing" may seem glamorous, however, t he sacrifice one makes to do so is not without consequences for themselves and those they care about. Tragic mulatto characters such as Clare transport unforeseen horrors when they make the selfish decision to reinsert themselves back into the world they so desperately desired to flee. Larsen makes this point clear through the diction she uses when describing the self-esteem destruction Irene undergoes once Clare has reinserted herself into Irene's life, and the situations Irene finds herself as a direct result of Clare. Prior to Clare’s reentrance into her life Irene is a self-assured, independent, and confident woman; however, she soon turns self-conscious, dependent, and hesitant. Upon viewing Clare at the hotel Irene is struck by Clare’s ... ...s appealing it is not without consequence. Clare, and those who choose to pass, are not free to embrace their whole identity and will always remain a threat to those they come in contact. Clare exemplified the archetypal character of the tragic mulatto, as she bought tragedy to her own life and all those she came in contact. Clare’s presence forced Irene to contend with feelings of internalized racism, and thus feelings of inferiority. Through diction, tone, and imagery Larsen makes it luminous to readers that "passing" may seem glamorous, however, the sacrifice one makes to do so is not without consequences for themselves and those they care about. Larsen does not allow her readers to perch on the belief that once a member of the dominate group ones life is not without pain and suffering. Every action, even those that seem to make life easier, have consequences.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Bystander Effect :: bystander’s reactions

The purpose of this paper is to analyse how the bystander effect, â€Å"the likelihood that an individual will intervene in an emergency goes down as the number of bystanders increases† (Olson, Breckler, Wiggins, 2008, p.482), occurs in chosen an emergency situation (Appendix nr1). I am going to show why and how participant’s behaviour confirms or not that effect. There are many interactions among people witnessing an emergency situation. Behaviours of witnesses are influenced by occurring psychological reactions and responses to situation. â€Å"A false impression of how other people are thinking, feeling and responding† (Karn, 2010,) creates a common ignorance and influences bystander’s behaviours. Interpretation of situation as a nonemergency is based on other bystander’s reactions or their no reactions. The presence of others diminishes a feeling of personal responsibility (Karn, 2010). Because an emergency case chosen for analysis contains an element of aggression I introduce now the social psychological definition of aggression that is: â€Å"behaviour that is intended to injure someone physically or psychologically† and a special kinds of aggression, such as a hostile aggression:†harm-doing that arises out of negative emotions such as anger, frustration, or hatred† (Olson and all, 2008, p. 419). I use also the GAM (General Aggression Model) theory: †a broad theory that conceptualizes aggression as the result of a chain of psychological processes, including situational events, aggressive thoughts and feelings, and interpretation of the situation† (Olson and all, 2008, p. 423), and frustration-aggression hypothesis, â€Å"proposition that frustration always leads to some form of aggression† (Olson and all, 2008, p. 425). I also apply Latane and Darley’s decision tree â€Å"that specified a series of decisions that must be made before a person will intervene in an emergency† (Olson and all, 2008, p. 479). Five different processes should occur for intervention to happen, such as: (1) the event must be noticed (if an individual do not notice he/she will not help), (2) the event must be interpreted as an emergency (witnesses fail to intervene, because they do not interpret the event as an emergency), (3) a personal responsibility must be accepted (if other people are present a witness can assume that others will help), (4) an appropriate form of assistance needs to be chosen, and finally (5) the action has to be implemented. If a negative response occurs at any stage of the process the bystander will not intervene. As a passenger of TAXI I observed two drivers before the emergency situation began. The Bystander Effect :: bystander’s reactions The purpose of this paper is to analyse how the bystander effect, â€Å"the likelihood that an individual will intervene in an emergency goes down as the number of bystanders increases† (Olson, Breckler, Wiggins, 2008, p.482), occurs in chosen an emergency situation (Appendix nr1). I am going to show why and how participant’s behaviour confirms or not that effect. There are many interactions among people witnessing an emergency situation. Behaviours of witnesses are influenced by occurring psychological reactions and responses to situation. â€Å"A false impression of how other people are thinking, feeling and responding† (Karn, 2010,) creates a common ignorance and influences bystander’s behaviours. Interpretation of situation as a nonemergency is based on other bystander’s reactions or their no reactions. The presence of others diminishes a feeling of personal responsibility (Karn, 2010). Because an emergency case chosen for analysis contains an element of aggression I introduce now the social psychological definition of aggression that is: â€Å"behaviour that is intended to injure someone physically or psychologically† and a special kinds of aggression, such as a hostile aggression:†harm-doing that arises out of negative emotions such as anger, frustration, or hatred† (Olson and all, 2008, p. 419). I use also the GAM (General Aggression Model) theory: †a broad theory that conceptualizes aggression as the result of a chain of psychological processes, including situational events, aggressive thoughts and feelings, and interpretation of the situation† (Olson and all, 2008, p. 423), and frustration-aggression hypothesis, â€Å"proposition that frustration always leads to some form of aggression† (Olson and all, 2008, p. 425). I also apply Latane and Darley’s decision tree â€Å"that specified a series of decisions that must be made before a person will intervene in an emergency† (Olson and all, 2008, p. 479). Five different processes should occur for intervention to happen, such as: (1) the event must be noticed (if an individual do not notice he/she will not help), (2) the event must be interpreted as an emergency (witnesses fail to intervene, because they do not interpret the event as an emergency), (3) a personal responsibility must be accepted (if other people are present a witness can assume that others will help), (4) an appropriate form of assistance needs to be chosen, and finally (5) the action has to be implemented. If a negative response occurs at any stage of the process the bystander will not intervene. As a passenger of TAXI I observed two drivers before the emergency situation began.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Depression Essay -- Emotional Disorders Psychology

Depression is a very big topic to discuss. The most commonly asked questions are: What is depression, and what disorders are related to depression? How common is depression? Is it serious? What treatment is used? And, What kind of symptoms should a person be looking for? Depression is more than the everyday ups and downs. You know when a person is depressed when their sad feelings interfere with their everyday life. Depression doesn’t only affect feelings, but can change behavior, physical health and appearance, academic performance, social activities, and the ability to make decisions that are face every day. The causes of depression are still unknown, but researchers have found a genetic link between most depressive disorders. Another depressive disorder is bipolar depression. Bipolar depression is when a person goes through mood cycles. The two common moods are being sad and down, but that can change to a very energetic mood quickly. Some things that can trigger a depressive episode are a serious loss, chronic illness, relationship problems, work stress, family crisis, financial setback, or any other unwelcome life change.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Clinical depression is more common than most people think. More than nineteen million Americans are affected each year. One-fourth of all women and one-eighth of all men will suffer a depressive episode during their lifetimes. There are more teenagers that suffer from depression than adults. Four percent of all teens are diagnosed as clinically...

Monday, September 16, 2019

Jan Van Eyck

The Arnolfini Wedding Corinne Callahan, Art II The Arnolfini Wedding was painted by artist Jan Van Eyck in 1434. The painting is done in oil paint on 3 vertical oak panels. It is now located at The National Gallery in London. Jan van Eyck was a Flemish painter active in Bruges. He is generally considered one of the most significant Northern European painters of the 15th century. Jan van Eyck frequently paid attention to light, shade and texture. He has a sense of realism in his paintings. (The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed, 2011) Eyck tends to use a lot of reds and dark neutral colors.He also prefers to paint portraits or full body scenes. He aims to deceive the eye with different unique views (S. Jones, 2002) Jan van Eyck is known as the father of oil painting (Finnan, 2012). Eyck was among the first to use â€Å"atmospheric perspective† (W. Janson, H. 1995). The Arnolfini Wedding records the betrothal of the cloth merchant Giovanni Arnolfini to Giovanna Cenami. Th e title was given to this painting because it was thought to be a form of â€Å"wedding certificate†. The dog in the painting is seen as a symbol of faithfulness and love.The mirror in the background has a carved frame with ten miniature medallions depicting scenes from the life of Christ (Korroch, 2009). Also the woman in the painting that appears to be pregnant isn’t really. The queen of the time was pregnant so it was trendy to look like her (W. Janson, 1995). The figures in this painting seem awkward in a sense of that it seems like they don’t know each other. This shouldn’t be though because they just got married and the painting is a form of a wedding certificate.So if they were married shouldn’t it look like they’re in love or at least like each other? Except they don’t. Although like Art History Professor Craig Harbison said, â€Å"The painting keeps drawing me back (S. R. Buchholz, 2000). † This piece of art is unique in so many ways. With its many symbols and meanings and rich colors and detail it is definitely one of the greatest works ever done.Citations Buchholz, S. R. (2000, April 14). Retrieved from http://www. umass. edu/chronicle/archives/00/04- 14/harbison28. html Finnan, V. (2012). Retrieved from http://www. italian-renaissance-art. com/Jan-Van-Eyck. html Korroch , K. (2009, march 3). Retrieved from http://marzanme. blogspot. com/2009/03/jan-van-eyck-arnolfini-wedding-portrait. html Susan, J â€Å"Jan van Eyck†. (2002, october) Retrieved from http://www. metmuseum. org/toah/hd/eyck/hd_eyck. htm The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. (2011). Retrieved from http://www. infoplease. com/encyclopedia/people/eyck-van-the-eyckian-style-its-influence. html W. Janson, H. (1995). History of art. (5th ed. ). New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Jan Van Eyck The Arnolfini Wedding Corinne Callahan, Art II The Arnolfini Wedding was painted by artist Jan Van Eyck in 1434. The painting is done in oil paint on 3 vertical oak panels. It is now located at The National Gallery in London. Jan van Eyck was a Flemish painter active in Bruges. He is generally considered one of the most significant Northern European painters of the 15th century. Jan van Eyck frequently paid attention to light, shade and texture. He has a sense of realism in his paintings. (The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed, 2011) Eyck tends to use a lot of reds and dark neutral colors.He also prefers to paint portraits or full body scenes. He aims to deceive the eye with different unique views (S. Jones, 2002) Jan van Eyck is known as the father of oil painting (Finnan, 2012). Eyck was among the first to use â€Å"atmospheric perspective† (W. Janson, H. 1995). The Arnolfini Wedding records the betrothal of the cloth merchant Giovanni Arnolfini to Giovanna Cenami. Th e title was given to this painting because it was thought to be a form of â€Å"wedding certificate†. The dog in the painting is seen as a symbol of faithfulness and love.The mirror in the background has a carved frame with ten miniature medallions depicting scenes from the life of Christ (Korroch, 2009). Also the woman in the painting that appears to be pregnant isn’t really. The queen of the time was pregnant so it was trendy to look like her (W. Janson, 1995). The figures in this painting seem awkward in a sense of that it seems like they don’t know each other. This shouldn’t be though because they just got married and the painting is a form of a wedding certificate.So if they were married shouldn’t it look like they’re in love or at least like each other? Except they don’t. Although like Art History Professor Craig Harbison said, â€Å"The painting keeps drawing me back (S. R. Buchholz, 2000). † This piece of art is unique in so many ways. With its many symbols and meanings and rich colors and detail it is definitely one of the greatest works ever done.Citations Buchholz, S. R. (2000, April 14). Retrieved from http://www. umass. edu/chronicle/archives/00/04- 14/harbison28. html Finnan, V. (2012). Retrieved from http://www. italian-renaissance-art. com/Jan-Van-Eyck. html Korroch , K. (2009, march 3). Retrieved from http://marzanme. blogspot. com/2009/03/jan-van-eyck-arnolfini-wedding-portrait. html Susan, J â€Å"Jan van Eyck†. (2002, october) Retrieved from http://www. metmuseum. org/toah/hd/eyck/hd_eyck. htm The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. (2011). Retrieved from http://www. infoplease. com/encyclopedia/people/eyck-van-the-eyckian-style-its-influence. html W. Janson, H. (1995). History of art. (5th ed. ). New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Public Procurement and Contract Administration in Nigeria

PUBLIC PROCUREMENT AND CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION Overview of Procurement Procurement is the acquisition of goods, works and services at the best total cost of ownership, in the right quality and quantity and at the right time. It also involves the acquisition of goods and services at the right place and from the right source. Public Procurement is the acquisition of goods, works and services by Government Ministries Departments and Agencies. In an effort to provide development and fulfil campaign promises, governments all over the world are involved in large scale procurement of goods, works and services. Public Procurement account for substantial part of most countries GDP. The establishment of good public procurement system is increasingly being viewed as measure of accountability and transparency. The responsibility of government to ensure transparency is also increasingly becoming a serious campaign issue. Public Procurement helps ensure the judicious use of public resources. An efficient Public Procurement System will ensure at all times government acquisition of goods, works, and services are done with due regard to:  · Economy;  · Efficiency;  · Fairness;  · Reliability; Transparency; and  · Accountability and Ethical Standards. Economy: This will ensure that the procuring entity obtain the best value for the money expended. Value may include more than price. It includes quality, and timely delivery of the goods or services. However, the ultimate aim of a sound procurement is to obtain the maximum value for money. Efficiency: A good procurement must be seen to be posi tive. It should be devoid of bottlenecks and other forms of inefficiencies. A good procurement system is devoid of protracted delays. It must be simple and swift. Fairness: A good system will ensure fairness to all bidders and will be impartial, consistent, and reliable. It will ensure level playing field to all contractors, suppliers and consultants. Transparency: Good procurement system establishes and maintains rules and procedures that are accessible and unambiguous. It is not only fair, but it is seen to be fair. Accountability and Ethical Standards: A system must ensure its practitioners obey the rules. It enforces the rules through a process of sanctioning those who neglect, disobey or bend the rules to gain certain advantages. The rules and procedures must be clear and unambiguous The process of establishing formal public procurement system in Nigeria started with the election of Obasanjo in 1999. It started with the establishment of Due process office under the Presidency. The Due process office was headed then by Mrs. Oby Ekwesili, the current Vice President of World Bank in charge of African Region. The Due process Office succeeded in saving billions of Naira according to the press release by the Agency. Public Procurement bill was passed by the two houses of the National Assembly and signed into law by the President in 2007. The Act provide for the establishment of Public Procurement Council and Bureau for Public Procurement to beheaded by a Director General. Nigeria public procurement Act was enacted in 2007. Overview of Contract Administration Contract Administration on the other hand involves all those activities which are performed with aim of promoting the smooth execution of contracts. Contract Administration starts from the time a contract is signed to the time a contract is closed. There are various forms in which a contract can closes: A contract can close when an operational certificate has been issued and the contractor collects the final payment under the contract. A contract can close if it is terminated and what is due to the either of the party (client or contractor) has been paid. A contract could be terminated due non performance by the contractors, due to failure of the client to fulfil obligations under the contract or due to events or happening beyond the control of the parties to the contract (force majeure). A contract can be discharged when there is a dispute. This can happen either amicably or through mediation through arbitration and adjudication or through the court. The court is usually the last resort in this kind of settlement. Most modern contracts proscribe mediation mechanism. Contract closure should be seen as part of the procurement process that assures that the employer gets what it paid for and contractor, payment for goods or services delivered. The Role of Regulation in Public Procurement A good regulatory framework is pre-requisite for an efficient Public procurement system. The role of policy formulation should be separate from policy execution and a mechanism for handling protests must be established. Any agency involved in any form of execution of public procurement should not be involved in regulating procurement. The Nigeria Public Procurement Act is however, somehow deficient in the area of separation of policy formulation, execution and regulation and protest handling mechanism. The Bureau is involve in giving no objection for contracts yet is involve enforcing compliance with the provisions of the Act. This vested the power of execution and regulation in the Bureau. The Bureau also through the council (where the DG is the secretary) is involved in policy formulation and handling of protest. A good example of separation of regulation, execution and protest handling mechanism is the Kenyan public procurement system. It incorporated the necessary separation of execution, policy formulation and protest handling mechanism. However, this has not prevented politicians in Kenya from abusing the procurement system. In 2004 all the procurement officials in the various MDA in Kenya were suspended to allow politicians recover the money they spent in election campaign. The various agencies under the Kenyan Act are: Public Procurement Oversight Authority The functions of the Kenyan Public Procurement Oversight Authority are: To ensure that the procurement procedures established under the Act are complied with; To monitor the public procurement system and report on the overall functioning to the Minister and also do the following functions: support the training and professional development of persons involved in procurement Issue written directions to ublic entities with respect to procurement including the conduct of procurement proceedings and the dissemination of information on procurements; and ensure that procuring entities engage procurement professionals in their procurement units. To initiate public procurement policy and propose amendments to the Act. To perform such other functions and duties as provided for under the Act Public Procurement Oversight Advisory Board Composition The Public Procurement Oversight Advisory Board shall consist of nine members appointed by the Minister approved by Parliament from persons nominated by the prescribed organizations and the Director-General. Functions To advise the Authority generally on exercise of its powers and the performance of its functions To approve the estimates of the revenue and expenditures of the Authority; To recommend the appointment and termination of the Director-General of the Authority Perform such other functions and duties as provided for under the Act. Public Procurement Administrative Review Board The Public Procurement Administrative Review Board, review complaints and make appropriate recommendation to the government. The Public Procurement Oversight Authority shall provide administrative services to the Review Board. Procuring Entities (MDA) It is the responsibility of Procuring Entities to comply with provisions of the Act. Specifically the Kenyan Act provides; What is being procured must be within the approved budget of the procuring entity and included an annual procurement plan Procurement undertaken by a procuring entity must be as per threshold matrix as set out in the regulations There is adequate segregation of duties in respect of procurement initiation, processing and receipt of goods, works and services. A public entity shall establish a tender committee, procurement unit and such other bodies as required under the regulations for the purpose of making such ecisions on behalf of the public entity as specified in the Act . Procurement Planning The first thing to do in procurement is, planning the process. It involves definition of the project scope and expected completion time. Specifically, the procuring entities need to identify the required works, goods or services to be procured. The procuring entities also need to determine the various procurement sequences. The procuring entity will selec t equipment packages and choose the method of procurement to use depending on the scope and complexity of the assignment. The following methods are usually used in procurement of goods, works and services (non-intellectual services): International competitive bidding (ICB) Limited international bidding National competitive bidding Shopping Procurement Plan should separate consultancy services, works, goods and supply and installation of plants and equipments. Procurement plan should address the following; How the procurement process should be handled (ICB,NCB, Others, Co-financing) Define the timing of each step in the procurement process (Each step, Each Package). It should also identify the procurement & implementation team The plan should also take in account the approvals process and delays that may occur. It should take into account all technical, staffing, legal and training etc. Procurement Steps There should be identification of needs. The list of goods, equipment, materials plants etc. Types of Works (Large, Small, Very Small) and aassociated Services. The procuring entity should also indentify the means of transportation, distribution and training. The plan should also take into account after sales service and warranty period. The steps include the advertisement of tenders. The World Bank require advert in G. D. Market and United Nation Business on-line. National competitive bidding requires advert in at least two nationally read newspapers. The process includes; Issuance of Bidding Documents Bid or Quotations Submission & Opening Bid or Quotation Evaluation Contract and Purchase Order Award. This will be preceded by contract notification, signature and effectiveness. Pre-contract Meeting Officials of the procuring entity involve in the procurement process should meet in order to: Understand their responsibilities and restrictions under the contract The role of the project manager should also be defined The various tests and other forms of quality control should be defined. Specific deliverables and special contract provisions should be explained. Monitoring and performance measurement should be understood and invoicing and payment procedures should be explained. Pre- contract meeting/discussion between the employer and the contractors are usually organised. At such meeting, the objective of the contract and its requirements are clearly defined. The contract effectiveness conditions are explained. Others issues to be discussed are: The project manager (from the employer) and contractors representative Organization and structures of the contractor’s implementation team. Implementation schedule and Reporting method Progress meetings, works certification and invoicing After the pre-contract discussion all grey areas are ironed out, the contract is signed by contractor’s representative with the power of attorney and the authorised representative of the contractor. Contract Effectiveness This will take place after the contract has been signed and following conditions have been fulfilled: Contractor provide performance guaranty and advance payment guaranty (if required) If the contract requires payment of advance payment, it has been paid If Letter of Credit is required it must be established The Letter of Credit must be confirmed (if funded by Nigeria government) or made operative through issuance of special commitment if World Bank financed contract or letter of guaranty if AfDB financed contract The employer must write a letter conveying the effectiveness to the contractor Letter of Credit Letters of Credit are guided by universal custom practice established by International Chamber of commerce and Industry based in Paris, France. It provides condition to enable parties to contract of sale living in different countries to make and receive payment for goods supplied. It start with a bank in the buyers country (opening bank) opening direct communication with another bank in the seller country (advising bank), through a correspondence bank (usually the negotiating bank). The opening bank will open either an irrevocable Letter of credit or a revocable letter of credit depending on the circumstance of the transaction. It is irrevocable because once established neither of the party can cancel it unilaterally before the expiration of the validity. Letter of Credit is said to be confirmed if in addition to the confirmation of the opening bank, another bank (say the negotiating bank also add its confirmation). Under LC for contracts financed by World Bank, LC’s are irrevocable but are unconfirmed. They are made operational when a special commitment is issued on it by World Bank. Incoterms 2000 Incoterms means International Commercial Terms published by International Chambers of Commerce (ICC), Headquarter in Paris. Incoterms was created in 1936 by ICC to facilitate international trade by providing uniform interpretation of trade terms. Incoterms are regularly updated to keep pace with developments in international trade. The latest is incoterms 2000. The scope of incoterms is limited to rights & obligations of parties to contract of sales as it relates to delivery of tangible goods. For example under the C terms, the Seller fulfils his obligation upon the shipment of goods. Once the good are shipped by the seller, under the C terms the buyer is obliged to receive the goods. The following are the various incoterms Group E: Departure {text:list-item} Group E: Main Carriage unpaid {text:list-item} {text:list-item} Group C: Main Carriage Paid {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} Group D: Arrival {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} Terms of Payment There are terms of payment for various contracts. Terms of payment are usually specified in the bidding document or request for proposal (RFP). Under a project financed by credit from the World Bank, the following terms shall apply as follows; Schedule 1-Plant & Equipment from Abroad text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} Schedule 2-Plant & Equipment from Employers Country {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} Schedule 3-Local Transportation {text:list-item} {text:list-item} Schedule 4-Installation Service {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} All payment must be made 45 days from submission of invo ice and invoice not paid more than 60 days will attract interest. Role of Project Manager and Contractors Representative: Project Manager The contractor must be notified of the Project Manager in writing. The Project Manager shall act and represent the employer at times during the validity of the contract. He shall give all instructions, notices, orders, certificates etc. He shall give approval and receives notices, instructions, information on behalf of the employer. Contractors Representative: The employer must be notified in writing with his CV attached. Contractor representative must be approved by employer. The contractors representative act and represent the contractor at all time during the validity of the contract, He received all instructions, notices, orders, certificates, approvals and communications. The contractor representative issues all notices, instructions, information and other communications on behalf of the contractor Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring and Evaluation is an essentially part of contract administration. It is usually performed by project manager. Project Manager approves all designs and drawings for supply & installations contract etc. The project manager inspects & issue acceptance certificate before shipment. Proper monitoring ensures potential disputes are averted Invoicing and Payments Contractors and employers are partners. The contractors have goods/services or works required by the employer while the contractor want money from the employer. Contract won under international competitive bidding process give world-wide, most competitive price to the employer. Issuance of invoices and demand for payment is an obligation of the contractor while the employer has responsibility to pay for goods delivered and or services and works performed by the contractor. The format of invoicing and works certification should be worked out early to avoid employment of penalty clause. Progress Meetings Progress meeting is necessary aspect of large and complex contracts which takes longer time to complete. Progress meetings are held at regular intervals. It is usually held to monitor the progress of the contract implementation. At such meeting contract implementation progress are discussed and compared with the contract implementation schedule. Implementation problems are also discussed with a view of solving them. The objective is to ensure that the contract will be completed with requisite quality, on time and within budget. Some identified Contract Administration Problems in Nigeria Institutional problems like contracts enforcement and prolonged court procedures are serious impediment to smooth contract administration. Other common contract administration problems are: Contracts entered into with parties having little understanding of the contract terms. Ccontracts’ seen as ways of dispensing favours. Therefore, little attention is paid to qualification. Contractors in some cases do not employ qualified personnel to manage and execute contracts. It usually takes unnecessarily long time to issue sufficient Bonds and Insurances for the execution of contracts, due to stringent conditions. Inadequate monitoring by employers also affects smooth contract implementation. A common contract administration problem that has become very visible especially in Nigeria Power Sector is losing out other partners in JV or Consortium agreement Delay in making payment to the contractors due to inadequate budgetary provisions Employment of unqualified or incompetent sub-contractors Delays in opening LC’s and extension of LC’s & Form M. Misapplication of proceeds of advance payment by contractors Di spute in the interpretation of contract terms Delay in issuing Duties and vat exemptions certificate conveyance Difficulties in clearing goods in the ports and the poor state of the nation infrastructure Inconsistency in government policies and corruption of government officials Avoiding Dispute in contract implementation The best dispute resolution method is not to have disputed at all. However, if there is a dispute direct negotiations between the parties at an early stage could be helpful. If no solution is found through direct negotiation, establish in a letter the facts of which constitute the breach of contract to focus the problem on the issue under dispute In United Kingdom an alternative dispute resolution technique called â€Å"partnering technique† is being employed. Partnering starts with a workshop usually during the kick off meeting where expectations of parties (contractor and employer) are discussed and harmonised. A partnering agreement or charter is signed by the parties. Employer and contractor are expected to encourage their staff to achieve the charter. In some cases the employer and the contractor share offices in the spirit of the partnering. Dispute Resolution Adjudication Once a dispute cannot be resolved mutually between the parties, it can be referred to adjudicator by either party in writing with a copy to the other party. The adjudicator shall give his decision in writing to both parties. The decision of the adjudicator is not final. The name of the adjudicator and his CV is usually included in the bidding document. If a bidder has problem with a suggested adjudicator, he must indicate so in writing and suggest another adjudicator which must be accepted by the employer. Arbitration If either of the party is dissatisfied with the decision of the adjudicator, the dissatisfied party can write to the arbitrator. Either party may give the other notice to commence arbitration. The ddecision of arbitration are final and binding on all parties Arbitration Courts The Court of Arbitration of International Chamber of Commerce (Paris) is the most popular arbitration institute in the World. Other are; London Court of Arbitration and Allied Professional Society The American Arbitration Association in United State of American Arbitration Institute of Stockholm Chamber of Commerce based in Sweden. United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) – UN International Centre for Settlement of Investment Dispute (ICSID)- WB Change Orders and Price Adjustments Contracts are base on plans, designs, specification and quantities which are best estimates. Field conditions, revisions to original plan could cause the scope of the contract to change. Revisions caused by changes in expectation and technology may require change order. A â€Å"change order† is request for a change in the scope of a contract. It may be requested by either party to a contract. A â€Å"change order† signed by all the parties have the same authority as the original contract. For contracts financed by World Bank, change order is applied to changes in contract that is more than 5% of the contract sum. Under the World Bank procurement system, contract which exceed 18 months period should have provision for price adjustment. Contract Close Out Contract close out begins when the contract has been physically complete, i. e. all services have been performed and products delivered. Close out is completed when all administrative actions have been completed, all disputes settled, and final payment have been made. Materials and equipment to be handed over properly receipted. Contract close out is as important as contract award and contract monitoring. A check list of all services, products, etc. to be delivered in the contract should be kept in the contract file. Governance: Fraud, Corruption & Conflict of Interest Conflict of interest refers to a situation in which procurement official evaluate tenders involving companies in which they have direct or indirect interest. Fraud on the other hand includes misrepresentation or omission of facts to influence a procurement process or the execution of contract. It also includes collusion among bidders. corruption include offering, giving, receiving or soliciting directly or indirectly of anything of value to influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or contract execution. Governance: Identification of Corruption Some â€Å"red flags† in procurement process that indicate possibility of corruption include the following: Poor record keeping Deviations from procedures without written justification Poorly defined roles/responsibilities Absence of good internal control system â€Å"Red flags† can be exhibited by individuals involve in procurement and contract administration as follows: Extravagant lifestyle Excessive interaction with supplier(s) and contractors Too much secrecy Reluctance to delegate duties Keeping contact with certain suppliers exclusively Some â€Å"red flags† in a particular procuring entity are: Always the same suppliers competing & wining Reluctance of established supplier and contractors to bid for contracts in an entity Some â€Å"red flags† in contract administration Excessive cost overruns Excessive numbers of change orders (increasing cost) Payment of frivolous claims Governance: Corruption Contributing Factors& Known Signals Lack of competitive environment Lack of trained & competent procurement staff Widespread lack of trust & job security Permissive environment (no sanctions after established cases of fraud and corruption) Lack of good mechanism for handling protest & delays Known signals {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} {text:list-item} Case Study Case 1 An employer invited bid for the supply of one X-ray machine for the main hospital for delivery one month ex-stock within 2 months of Letter of Credit. In the bidding document, bidders were asked to quote price on CIP capital city by air in US dollars. Bidders were provided 60 days to submit bids. Six bids were opened publicly. All except one bidder quoted the price as solicited. One bidder quoted the price in French Francs. In its evaluation the employer rejected the bid as it did not comply with the currency provision. The employer proposed to award the contract to the lowest bidder as all the other bid are responsive. The contract will be financed under a credit from World Bank and the rejected bidder protested to the World Bank on the ground that World Bank permitted bids from any member country and currency and his bid was in fact the lowest. What should the World Bank do and Why? Case 2 In an agricultural project, an employer presented papers relating to an advance procurement of two bulldozers for World Bank financing retroactively. The employer/borrower claimed to have followed the World Bank ICB procedures. On review, it was noted that the General Procurement Notice (GPN) and Specific Procurement Notice (SPN) were issued, adequate time provided for the bidding, there was good response and award had been made to the lowest bidder. The only short-coming was the bids were opened by a government committee without inviting the bidder representative. Is the process valid under this circumstance? Case 3 You are the chairman of public procurement administrative review commission. A project includes the procurement of 10 tracks Dozers and excavators to be procured under a single package. The specifications stated the tracks should be powered by an engine with a minimum of 175 horsepower (SAE) at a rated RPM. Firm A offered its dozers with a 165HP. In the evaluation the committee consider the deviation as minor and awarded the contract to Firm A. Firm B

Treaty of Versailles: Do Peace Settlements Create Conditions for New Conflicts?

â€Å"Peace settlements create conditions for new conflicts. † With reference to the Treaty of Versailles explain to what extent you agree with this statement. (2005) Peace settlements or treaties are set up to establish some ground rules between countries that are included within the settlement. Within these peace settlement restrictions that benefit some countries and harm others are imposed by the conferences that these settlements are created. In the Treaty of Versailles signed after the First World War Germany suffered of harm due to the restrictions it imposed on the country which included a loss of land, demilitarization and other restrictions. Germany was the country least benefited from this agreement while other countries like France who created the Treaty were benefited due to the extensive payments that Germany had to pay France due to the destruction it caused. This Treaty led to new tensions within new countries that were formed due to the division of land due to different nationalities forced to be enclosed within one newly formed country. After the end of World War One a peace conference was set up in order to determine how the destruction caused by the war was going to be handled in order to try and satisfy rival countries. In the conference of the creation of The Treaty of Versailles the major consensus that its members arrived to was that the blame for most of the destruction in Europe was to be blamed to Germany. Germany due to its diplomatic relations had no vote in the future of the country of Germany which included a reduction in its army to 100,000 soldiers, no U-boats, reduced navy, no air force. This was implemented due to fear of a new attack by the German power to weakened countries in Europe which led to these restrictions in order to have full militaristic control over Germany. Not only did militaristic control gain provide security to the rival countries but security that Germany would be isolated and weak was one ultimate goal of the treaty which stated that Germany could not join up with an allied of the war in order to defend itself, its most important industrial geographical section was taken away in order to prevent militaristic growth which could mean it could serve as a defense territory for France. This loss in an economic producing part of Germany caused tensions to arise between France and Germany because the Germans could not pay any of the payments to France due to the economic crisis that struck Germany after the treaty of Versailles was imposed. This caused a inflation growth in Germany where its currency lost total value and this caused France to begin tensions with Germany because Germany had no money to pay the installments and France demanded them in order to â€Å"recuperate† from the destruction produced by Germany. In order to establish control and enforcement of the following of the Treaty of Versailles the United States imposed the Dawes plan that lent money to Germany to pay the installments and recuperate from the economic crisis but it had to be paid back and this caused Germany to fall into a deeper problem since when the United States demanded the money to be returned in the Great Depression Germany did not possess any money available to pay this loan causing tensions with countries abroad Europe. The creation of new countries came about when the division of land was decided by the treaty of Versailles. These new countries were land recovered from the major powers and mostly were taken from Germany due to the main blame for the war. This caused several different types of tensions among the people of different nationalities within the newly formed countries due to the difference in nationalities of the people who were enclosed within these new countries due to constant clashes of racial, ethnical disagreements. This of course caused discontent in the countries that the land was taken away from most evidently and most explicitly shown in Germany under the power of Adolf Hitler in 1933. Hitler as a totalitarian leader has several goals he wishes to reach while he is in power and one of these was that he wanted to rejoin all the German speaking people into one country in order to create one strong Germany but this was a difficult job since the Treaty of Versailles caused many German speaking people to be separated from the main country and be put into newly formed countries. This caused the people to feel oppressed and Hitler grew a hate to the Treaty due to the oppression it produced on the people of Germany. Ultimately this peace settlement created a new condition for a new conflict which later became known as World War Two due to the discontent Hitler had towards it and the ultimate goal he had which was to abolish it with no matter how many lives it took or how much destruction it would take. And as history shows there was no opposition in the beginning of his destruction of the treaty ue to the fear that any obstruction in stopping Hitler might cause a war between a countries that began to grow against another who is recuperating from a devastating war. After analyzing and understanding the reasons and effects of the Treaty of Versailles it can be said with historical facts that the treaty of Versailles set up a scene for a new conflict that would become another total war in a proximity to the previous one that would have never been predicted. The treaty created oppression towards the people why were involved in it, mainly Germany, which caused clashes and opposition to arise in order to abolish the treaty. Hitler was a complete enemy towards the treaty since he saw the oppression it produced and it had to be destroyed no matter how many lives and destruction and despair it took in order to reach his goal of destroying the treaty. A pace settlement or treaty like the Treaty of Versailles at first shows a future of peace and prosperity at cost of oppression being imposed in enemy countries. The treaty of Versailles did not cause this wonderful future but caused another major conflict in a short time after this war that would be later called World War Two with the same or more destruction as the one that preceded it years prior. In order to impose a treaty oppression is used and can turn into chaos causing a new major conflict or can be a limit for the opponent in order to control every action it takes as the Treaty of Versailles proved.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Philosophy Plato Essay

A way of life not just a specialised and technical activity in about 387 BC, he attended The Academy  ­ lasted for a 1000 yrs. Socrates was only interested in  ­ ethics. While Plato was interested in  ­ ethics, metaphysics, politics, aesthetics, Mathematics Plato’s Allegory (story in which there is a fact & a true story) of the Cave Plato asks ; â€Å"What would happen if one of these prisoners were released from his chains, were forced to stand up, turn around (conversion) and walk with his eyes lifted up towards the light?† Eventually, he would be able to see the real object for and in itself ;  ­Lifting his eyes upward, he would find it easier to look at the stars at night Finally, he would look right at the SUN in its Natural position in the sky and ;  ­ Not at its Reflections from or through anything else How would the liberated prisoner feel about his previous life in the cave?  ­ He would recall what his fellow prisoners and himself took to be Wisdom.  ­ He would recall how they used to give prizes to the one who had the sharpest eye for assign shadows and the best memory for the order in which the shadows followed each other. â€Å"If they could lay hands on the man who was trying to set them free and lead them up, they would kill him†. The implications of the Allegory ; Many people dwell in the Darkness of the cave †¦ They have oriented their thoughts around the blurred world of Shadows †¦ Education  ­ leads people out of the cave of Darkness into the world of light. (Education means  ­ to bring out. (of the cave) ). Just as the prisoner had to turn his Whole Body around so that his eyes could see the light instead of the darkness. It is also necessary for the entire should to turn away from the deceptive world of change and appetite that causes blindness in the should. Education according to Plato is ; A matter of Conversion  ­ A complete turning around from the world of Appearance to the world of reality. † The conversion of the soul is not to put the power of sight in the soul’s eye, which already has it, but to insure that, instead of looking in the wrong direction, it is turned the way it ought to be†. Plato’s rejection for the sophist’ skepticism ; The dark world of the cave ( particular  ­ many  ­ change  ­ finite) , Vs the bright world of light ( light is knowledge for plato  ­ sun  ­ absolute  ­ one  ­ permanent / changeless  ­ infinity). Dramatic contrast between; 1) shadows > 2) reflections > 3) The actual objects (ultimate knowledge) (process of education ^) With the Sophists, Plato and Socrates agree that knowledge derived from Sense experience is Relative, but he maintains that ; Not all knowledge is relative  ­ therefore, Absolutism Plato’s Divided Line ; (top 2  ­ The world of thought  ­ changeless) (bottom 2  ­ The world of Opinion  ­ change) (The line that divides every stage is not equal, meaning that it is more difficult to reach from level 3 to level 4 than from level 1 to level 2). (Outside the Cave) (Objects of knowledge)

Friday, September 13, 2019

Choose one of these enzymes and explain what it is (have extra Essay

Choose one of these enzymes and explain what it is (have extra insruction) - Essay Example Apart from aging, collagen can also be lost through malfunctioning of the structure. This study will seek to relay more information about Collagen enzyme that comprises human beings’ stature especially its importance. It comprises of glycine, proline and hydroxyproline, which are amino acids whereby the latter is usually a product of proline’s reaction with oxygen (Artmann & Chien 163). The three amino acids are what give it a triple helical configuration (Mecham 80). Although there are 28 types of its Collagen usually detonated using Roman numbers ranging from I to XXVII, the most common ones are I-V. Type I is quite evident in bones, ligaments, dermis and tendons whereby its core role encompasses resisting tension in these respective areas. Type II is present in stretchy cartilage together with hyaline responsible in resisting pressure. Type III is quite rampant in cardiovascular systems, spleen, lungs and the lymphatic system (Keeley & Mecham 40). Type IV its location is in the basement membrane where it filters glomeruli and blood capillaries, whereas type V comprises placenta, cell surfaces and hair (Keeley & Mecham 40). Figure 1: Collagen structure made up of Hydroxyproline and proline. Accessed on 5Th March. of muscle, muscle contraction.files/image051.jpg Type I is the most profuse in humans because it is present in body organs such as the skin, ligaments and tendons (Artmann & Chien 165). The skin’s middle section commonly referred as dermis is usually made of collagen. Some roles of collagen include strengthening of bones hence enhance them provide structural support to the body and act as lever for attachment of muscles, which aid in mobility (Artmann & Chien 165). It is essential to humans because it provides sturdy and

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Elastic Clause of the US Constitution Assignment

Elastic Clause of the US Constitution - Assignment Example â€Å"Implied† powers are â€Å"those powers given to Congress by Article 1, Section 8, clause 18, of the Constitution that is not specifically named but is provided for by the necessary and proper clause† (p. 45). Accordingly, the necessary and proper clause exists to afford these implied powers to Congress in order to make sure the federal government has the power to carry out the laws â€Å"which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States† (p. 44). This clause is problematic for many because it falls along the Federalist/Anti-Federalist divide and the contemporary Conservative/Liberal divide. However, the problem with the necessary and proper clause is not with its controversial and contentious nature, but with the fact that it is vague, ambiguous, and is designed for subjective interpretations and applications of Constitutional law.The phrase â€Å"necessary and proper† in clause 18 of Article 1, Section 8 entitles Congress to make laws that extend beyond what the Constitution enumerates in the previous 17 clauses of that Section. This is taken to be a relationship between an end-goal and the means of achieving that goal (Engdahl, 2011). The end-goal must be a necessity for the achievement of the purpose of a government, which include the formation of â€Å"a more perfect Union† and the establishment of â€Å"Justice† (US Constitution, 1787). These ends are the explicit goals of the enumerated powers; in a similar vein, the implied powers are given only as they are necessary and proper to exercise the enumerated powers. This interpretation of the â€Å"necessary and proper† clause is based on the context in which it appears. Coming after 17 enumerated powers, the final clause specifies that the Congress is able to make laws that ensure the foregoing powers (namely, the enumerated powers ) can be exercised sufficiently. In other words, the eighteenth clause of Section 8 does not give a blank check to Congress to make any rules or regulations it feels like passing. Rather, the expansion of implied powers must always be taken in necessary and proper reference to one of the enumerated powers.